Förderverein SMC

Godesberg Plittersdorf Stimson Memorial Chapel Benefizkonzert. Am Klavier Margot Nisita

Förderverein Stimson Memorial Chapel e.V. (SMC)

In 1997, a “Förderverein Stimson Memorial Chapel e.V.” (SMC) was formed to foster continued use of the chapel after ownership was transferred to the city of Bonn. The “Förderverein” signed a Usage Agreement with the city of Bonn, which designated it as the responsible association for the management of the Stimson Memorial Chapel and surrounding property. That means in practice: The “Förderverein“ has to collect money to ensure that maintenance and running costs of the building are covered. The “Förderverein” is in so far independent from the American Protestant Church that it is a different entity with its own management board and members. President is Angela Beckmann, 


Where do we get the money from to run the building? All users of the church, may it be the five congregations or other groups, pay a fee for using the building. In order to keep it reasonable for the users, we also organize benefit concerts or collect other donations. As a German “e.V.” we can only accept Euro donations which are tax deductible.

Förderverein SMC

Account No (IBAN): DE86 3705 0198 0020 0181 15
Sparkasse KoelnBonn BIC: COLSDE33XXX
APC Bonn