Who we are

The Reverend Dr. Mario Weyers

We inspire people to grow in faith and live out the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Reverend Dr. Mario Weyers joined the APC as the Senior Pastor with effect 1st August 2022.

Pastor Mario was ordained in 1999 in the Dutch Reformed Church, in his home country of South Africa. He is married to Mitsi, and they have two young adult sons, who will not move to Bonn.

Having immigrated to New Zealand in 2014, Pastor Mario has worked as the Lead Pastor at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa, Hamilton East.

"Serving as the Senior Pastor of APC is one of the great joys of my life. By God’s grace I have had the privilege of serving as the Senior Pastor in the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa, The Presbyterian church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and now in APC Bonn."


What is at the heart of our ministry? We try to describe it with the help of an acronym: LIGHT. Five core values build the foundation of all we do. APC exists to call the English speaking community of Bonn to Christ and Christlikeness by serving their needs.

Love one another

Invite others to join us

God at the center

Help one another

Teach and equip each other

We are a Protestant church in style, but we welcome all denominations, no matter what your christian background. APC is an international family, building strong bonds which oftentimes last for a lifetime. Over time, our church family has spread all over the world. We always were and are a church in transition, because many of our members stay in Bonn only for a temporary assignment. APC is even more a focal point for them: People come here to meet others who speak English, to get to know people after moving to Bonn, to see friends and to find new ones, and of course to worship together. We hope that everyone who comes to us for the first time feels the warmth and openness that is part of our nature.


We seek to be engaged locally and around the world, to listen and to learn, to embody justice and compassion, and to share the love of Jesus Christ in tangible ways as we journey together. We look forward to meeting you!

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

APC Bonn