APC Music Ministry

It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp.

Psalm 92:1-3

APC Choir

The APC choir focuses on traditional church music and has anthems, chorales and other classical pieces in its repertoire. Our choir is small (about 8-10 members), but nevertheless strong in music and praising the Lord through song. We mainly sing pieces for 2 or 3 voices and lead the music during worship services together with our organist Hans-Peter Bähr, appro. twice a month.

The choir has been part of the congregation as long as it has existed: about 70 years.

Following the retirement of Margot Nisita, after 57 years, we blessed to welcome Colby Hilker as our new choir director.

Praise Team

The Praise Team is our contemporary music group. We are men and women singing and leading the music during worship services once a month. We practice on a regular basis on Monday evenings with our team, consisting of vocals, pianist and other instrumentalists. God has given us talents of music and we want to share this with the people around us to worship and glorify His Name.

Gospel Ambassadors

The Gospel Ambassadors is our African music group. It mainly is built by men and women from different African countries. They are leading in music during worship services on a monthly basis at Sunday worship services and at the annual African Sunday worship service as well as other occasions. Our ministry is committed to bringing God`s divine presence to the people through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


APC Choir

Colby Hiller

Praise Team

Renate Roes

Gospel Ambassadors

Beri Bonglim

APC Bonn